Monday, February 15, 2010

My Prince Charming

This man is my husband and my best friend. God speaks in many ways to me and a lot of the time, Tim is the subject. Albeit, our marriage has had its valleys. We have fought HARD to keep our marriage intact and alive! The one way God has spoken to me, shown me His presence, is through the blessing of my guy. He works 16+ hour he is today. He is an amazing daddy. OH, how my girls love their big, strong daddy and OH how he eats that admiration up! I do believe he likes it a bit better than my admiration. ;)

When it is cold outside and our heater kicks on...God immediately puts my husband on my heart. He works hard for us, in every kind of climate, so that we do not have too....When it is 100+ degrees out (add 15 degrees on the ramp where he works), we get to find refuge in our air conditioned house. When it is 30 degrees outside with a harsh wind (and he is outside for a double shift in it) we get to be inside, all warm and cozy.

God speaks to me that way a lot.

We have our marital spats and we do not agree of everything by any means. We are often on opposite ends of things. :) I am a saver. He likes to spend a little. I am a bit more serious and do not smile as much. He smiles at everyone and he smiles in the morning.....OH that reminds me...I am NOT a morning person and he is! (ggrrrr, morning people) I don't drink and he likes a good cold one or two or.... (wink wink) I like quiet get togethers and he fits in just fine at loud and crazy get togethers.

Come to think of it.....what was God thinking! ;)

Despite our opposite natures, God speaks to me a lot in how he has provided me with a guy that has an amazing work ethic and determination for his family. I have someone who works outside for hours on end so that I do not have too. We could be a lot wealthier if I had "paying" job. But God gave me someone who values family a lot more than money, a mommy being home when her kids get off the bus, and the love of God over love of the world.

God speaks to me....
through my husband.

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