Monday, February 8, 2010

Reminders in my Wilderness

Recently my bible study group has started a wonderful study by Priscilla Shirer called "One in a million." This past Thursday she recommended created a file on our computer to remind us in our wilderness of God's movement in our lives, in our past to remind us that He has come through so many times before. And He will again. I have so many. I am going to start blogging them. They will not go in order. My brain has not been "in order" for several years now. I don't supposed that order matter though. I think what matters is to remember them. Wildernesses will never stop coming into our lives so we've got to re-train our brains. I have got to retrain mine for sure to make myself ask myself "Why are you so afraid? Has God not saved you every time you needed it? Has He EVER let you down?"

The first one that comes to mind is my first born Olivia. June 22nd of 2000, I was induced. My fluid levels were decreasing. I was retaining scary amounts of fluid. It was just time. I was admitted in the evening hours of June 22nd. I was given drugs to induce labor. And it did....a little bit. My doctor actually mentioned when it was all over that she had not given that amount of medication (Ptosin) to anyone that she can recall. OH, how they tried to get that baby to come out. They increased the meds and stopped them. They increased them more and stopped them. I would get an pain here and there but nothing that felt like labor really. Why would this baby not come out?

The next day...almost 24 hours later, my doctor said it was time for an emergency C section. The baby was showing distress and we were all a bit anxious. I had only dilated to a one. No more.

They hooked me up to more meds. They put me on an OR table. Soon, I heard counting.

UMMM, hello! Yah over here behind the blue curtain! Um, yah....three? of what? There is nothing on my baby that should be in 3's...

eyes: two
nose: one

NO THREES! The counting was followed by silence. My husband's face drained of color.

HELLO! What is wrong?

"Wait a sec." Tim tells me.

It was only about 5 seconds but it seemed forever. No crying for FIVE seconds. Then...

you heard her deep breath and crying (ironically that did not stop for 12 weeks).

Olivia Nichole was born at 3:56pm on June 23,2000. She was totally purple. The cord was wrapped around her next THREE times. Had I dilated...Had I pushed ONE time....we would be minus ONE very important and precious Boo.

When human, medical science told my body to push this baby out.....God said NO!

When doctors said more meds, lets try again...God said "Did you not hear me say NO?"

I did not even realize it but I was in the middle of a possible life shattering wilderness. I had no idea. He did. He spoke.

I heard. I listened.
I will never forget again...

(Olivia is one of the far right in picture)

1 comment:

  1. Precious... life is precious and children are such a blessing. I'm so glad I will get to read more of your posts. This is a great idea! You can check out our blog if you would like.
    Love you!
